hile lurking at the Umpqua website one afternoon, I came across a cool little fly pattern. A pattern that I would soon read was called the Lil’ Foamy. The image on the website showed The Lil’ Foamy as a small little fly that utilized a black bead, sparse tail, red body, wire rib, a brown dubbed thorax, and what I think is the coolest part of this pattern, a small white post made of two-millimeter foam. The webpage displayed four colors:
I discovered this colorful little fly’s name was Lil’ Foamy and as I continued to browse the page I found that it’s a fly created by Fly Fisherman and Guide, Scott Thompson.
Red Lil' Foamy
Scott's little fly pattern definitely caught my attention and I was struck with a desire to tie some up. Looking at the picture I had a pretty good idea what the pattern needed to become a Lil Foamy, but I decided to message Mr. Thompson through Facebook to verify that I wasn’t missing anything. To my surprise he responded to my message and was very enthusiastic about giving me the materials list that he uses to tie his pattern. He also informed me that he used mallard flank for the tail and depending on what he was trying to imitate would often leave the tail off. He informed me that the tail-less version would imitate a midge and the tailed version would mimic a mayfly nymph.
Weather a mayfly or midge the Lil' Foamy is really cool and really easy to tie. I haven’t had a chance to fish it yet, but I am sure that it will catch plenty of hungry fish and am excited to give it a go. I'd fis it anywhere I'd use a Zebra Midge; after all, the only difference is a tail and the foam post.
Lil' Foamy Recipe Card
The version I have chosen to share with you is a blue version – blue is my favorite color, and I don’t think it gets utilized in flies like it should.
After you watch the demonstration of me tying up the Lil’ Foamy be sure to tie a few up or buy a few for you fly box. Trust me your boxes will appreciate it.
-The 2mm faom is a cut so that you have a 2mm x 2mm strip.
-You can use any tailing fiber as a tail, mallard is just what Mr. Thompson told me that he uses.