Bass Flies
Pumpkin Head Mohair Leech
~By: Lance Dean | May 21, 2017 The heads of Pumpkin Heads don't need to be limited to only orange. …
~By: Lance Dean | May 21, 2017 The heads of Pumpkin Heads don't need to be limited to only orange. …
~By: Lance Dean | April 15, 2015 A s a long time resident of Eastern Nevada, I have had the opportunit…
~By: Lance Dean | March 15, 2015 P age 46 of the Feather-Craft Fly Fishing 2015 bulletin catalog wa…
~By: Lance Dean | October 6, 2014 All I can say in regards the Slumpbuster is WOW!!! Over the 2014 F…
~By: Lance Dean | September 14, 2014 M y introduction to the Super X …