Maholo Nymph

~By: Lance Dean | September 10, 2013

Maholo Nymph

Here is a fly I tied a few days ago.  It is called the Mahalo Nymph.  I tied it for the trip to Pyramid Lake that I hope to take come late winter or early spring.  From what I have read about it, the fly seems to be a hit for those big Lahotan Cutthroats.  The Mahalo Nymph was created by Ron Anderson of Reno, NV.

Here is the pattern I used:

Maholo Nymph

Hook:                    TMC 2499BL-SP #6

Bead:                    5/32” Gold Tungsten

Weight:                  .020 Lead Wire

Thread:                 Black 70 Denier Ultra Thread

Tail:                       Pheasant Tail Fibers

Abdomen:             Red Sulky Holoshimer Tinsel

Rib:                       Medium Copper Ultra Wire

Wing Case:            Pheasant Tail Fibers

Thorax:                  Olive Ice Dub

Legs:                     Pheasant Tail Fibers (folded over from wing case)

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